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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  November 11, 2012 9:00am-10:30am EST

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is sunday morning. almost two weeks after super storm sandy, more than 200,000 hopes and businesses remain without power in parts of new york and new jersey. and gasoline rationing remains the order of the day. in the wake of sandy and other recent weather events, many people are thinking anew about climate change and wondering, is
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it fact or fiction? man made or natural cycle? that's the question david pogue will be examining in our sunday morning cover story. >> reporter: these days it's easy to be confused about what is causing climate change. >> human activity. natural earth cycle. >> if you'reful you should be a skeptic. >> maybe it's human nature. we have to see calamities before we tack it seriously. >> reporter: after we pick up the pieces after hurricane sandy a quest to determine once and for allñr the scientific truth about global warming. on the sunday morning cover story. >> osgood: few would debate that dinner and show are a great combination for an enjoyable night out. so imagine how convenient it would be if they were combined. thew3 same people making the muc making the meal. no need to imagine. rit a braver has found them. ♪ >> reporter: they may be the only band around to serve up both hit tunes and hot meals.
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>> any time that people break bread together all the walls come down. there's nobody better than anybody else. you have food stuck in your teeth and smell of garlic breath. you're just being one of the people. that's really important to us. >> reporter: later on sunday morning, singing and eating with the zac brown band. >> osgood: sally field is an academy award winning actress twice over. she wasn't about to pass up the chance to portray one of the most troubled and troublingpe first ladies in american history. this morning she talks with our mo rocca. >> i'm not going to let that happen. i don't care if it kills me. >> reporter: sale field specializes in playing the struggling every woman. >> madam president, if you please. >> reporter: and landing her latest role as mary todd lincoln was one heck of a struggle. >> i said i can't let you walk away. mary belongs to me. i am mary. i won't let you walk away. >> reporter: ahead on sunday
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morning, the always winning sally field. >> osgood: sometimes an amazing feat can only be accomplished with amazing feet. bill geist is watching and rooting from the side lines. >> reporter: for some, running at 26.2-mile marathon is not enough. they need the added challenge of juggling at the same time. they're called joggleors, joggers who struggle. the pins will fly later on sunday morning. >> osgood: martha teichner shows us some photographs capturing the passage of time. serena altschul joins a group of group searching for mysterious creatures. steve hartman listens on a trumpeter who honors our military veterans. first the headlines for this sunday morning the 11th of november, 2012.
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at least one person is dead after an overnight explosion in sub urban indianapolis. two houses were completely leveled. dozens more were damaged. the cause of the explosion remains unknown at this hour. a strong earthquake rocked northern mean mar today. there are reports of 12 dead and scattered damage and injuries. an earthquake centered near the town of whites burg kentucky yesterday rattled nerves but there are no on reports of injuries or serious damage.e1 federal officials say it was harassing emails sent by just-resigned c.i.a. director david petraeus paramor buying on reafer paula broadwell to another woman that caught the attention of the f.b.i. former petraeus spokesman says that the retired general is in his words truly remorseful. bob orr will bring us the latest on petraeus' resignation in just a few minutes. president obama can add florida to the list of states he won election day. state officials yesterday announced mr. obama captured 50% of the to mitt romney's 49.1%.
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in beverly hills yesterday the blue and white beginningham dress that judy garland wore was sold for $480,000. it was a major upset in college football yesterday. number one, alabama, lost to texas a&m. crimson threatenedded to turn the tide in the fourth quarter but this pass was intercepted and texas a&m held on to beat the previously undefeated crimson tide 29-24. now for today's weather. the coasts are clear and mild. but a line of thunderstorms is working its way across the country. the forecast for the week ahead shows more rain as well as seasonable cooldown in most parts. coming up, a fall from grace.
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election weekended with a november surprise. the sudden resignation friday of david petraeus as director of the central intelligence agency. the former army general, the most decorated and highly regarded one of his generation, said the reasons for his resignation were personal. so they were. the story of how petraeus' marital infidelity came to light is as strange as the revelation itself. correspondent bob orr is tracking the investigation. >> good luck, sir. reporter: sources say the shocking downfall of david
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petraeus began a few months ago with a complaint to the f.b.i. a female friend of petraeus who officials say is not a government employee reported that she had received a series of harassing emails. the messages were anonymous. while they did not spell out a specific threat, the f.b.i. launched an investigation. federal agents quickly traced the emails back to petraeus' biographer, paula broadwell. a further investigation then revealed stunning evidence that broadwell and petraeus had been involved in an extra marital affair. the f.b.i. found that petraeus and broadwell had exchanged numerous messages. some of them coded. others explicit. the communication seemed so out of character at first that agents wondered if someone had breached the c.i.a. director's email. but that did not happen. sources say when the f.b.i. asked petraeus about the communications, he confessed his indiscretions. as for the woman who received the original emails, officials
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say broadwell may have perceived her as arrive al for petraeus' attention. broadwell and petraeus have often been seen together in public. broadwell spent considerable time with petraeus when he commanded forces in after fan stan while doing research for her book "all in: the education of general david petraeus." on her publicity tour married mother of two children said she would frequently conduct interviews with petraeus while on workout runs. she added this comment. >> i think he is a terrific role model for young people for executive, for women and men no matter what. >> reporter: as a four-star general who led forces in both afghanistan and iraq, petraeus became one of america's most revered and decorated soldiers. he also portrayed himself as a dedicated family man. the father of two grown children, publicly praised his wife holy during his senate confirmation hearing. >> she is an army daughter, an army wife, an army mother and an advocate for military families.
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i've been blessed to have had her in my corner for some 37 years and 23 moves. i appreciate the opportunity this afternoon to recognize her publicly. >> reporter: but in his parting message to his work force, petraeus confessed a moral failing, saying he used extremely poor judgment that was unacceptable, he said, as a husband and as the leader of the central intelligence agency. just 14 months into his tenure as director, the man in charge of america's secrets was broad down by one of his own. >> osgood: ahead, like night and day. and a portrait... >> i want to be wanted by everyone, you know. >> reporter: at of actress sally field. thought to be the result of overactive nerves
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i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter. >> osgood: climate change, fact or fiction? man made or a natural cycle? these are vigorously debated questions of our time that have taken on more urgency for many with the destruction wrought by super storm sandy. our cover story is reported now by david pogue of the "new york times." >> reporter: i'll admit it. i have global warming anxiety. no, it's worse than that. i have global warming anxiety anxiety. i don't know how much i should be worried. i mean, we're bombarded by conflicting opinions. you've got the scientists going, "burning fossil fuels heats the atmosphere.
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record temperatures. extreme weather." and then you've got the skeptics going, "oh, don't be silly. we've always had warming cycles. human activity has nothing to do with it." i feel sorry for the poor guy caught in the middle. we don't know what to think. so i've decided to go on a quest. i'm going to find the top experts. i'm going to get answers to three questions: is there climate change? are we causing it? and if so, is there anything we can do about it? here's what we know for sure. the decade beginning in the year 2000 was the hottest decade ever recorded. arctic ice has melted to the lowest levels in recorded history. and sea levels have risen eight inches since 1870. >> the impacts of climate change are becoming progressively more serious. >> reporter: if anyone knows the details, it's the i.p.c.c., the intergovernmental panel on climate change which was created by the united nations in 1988. its job is to collect climate
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change studies from around the world and draw conclusions. its chairman is raj. >> most of the warming that is taking place is the result of human actions. >> reporter: that is greenhouse gases? >> absolutely. greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide being the most dominant. >> reporter: what makes scientists so sure that those gases are building up in the atmosphere? easy. every week they go out and rustle up some air. >> we're like 2.2 miles below sea level. you don't let cars up for the last mile. why? why all this fuss? >> we want to know that we're getting clean background air, unchecked by any sort of local pollution. >> reporter: this measuring station in bolder, colorado, is run by n.o.a.a., the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. >> remember, there is often three to five feet of snow here.
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>> reporter: n.o.a.a.'s manager shows me how it's done. >> this is one of 70 sample sites in our network around the world globally so that these are different points on a grid, if you will, of the surface of the earth. 20,000 a year from all over the world. >> reporter: the air is sampled from the tops of 1,000-foot towers anything to make sure that the sample isn't contaminated by nearby civilization. all of those bottles from around the world get shipped to labs like this one which analyze the gases inside. >> one after the other they get injected into all the measurement machines. >> reporter: peter is the chief scientist at n.o.a.a.'s global monitoring division. that air sample collecting program is his baby. >> data show that co-2 is going up. there's absolutely zero doubt about that. >> reporter: is anybody still arguing that the changes in temperatures are just part of
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natural earth cycles? >> they have been, yes. there are these natural fluctuations of climate. however, there's something different. you look at the rate of increase when the earth was in one of its natural cycles. what we're now having is 100 times as fast as what was happening during these natural cycles. >> reporter: how can there be such a thing as the skeptic? >> there's only a small fraction of skeptics who want to deny that the increase of greenhouse gases is due to mankind. most of them actually accept that. >> reporter: that's true. there aren't many climate change deniers anymore. but there's still plenty of discussion -- and that's the polite word for it -- about how much the planet is changing. >> this is the global average temperature record with 39,000 stations all around the world averaged together. this is the temperature record. >> reporter: berkeley physics professor richard muller and his daugherty elizabeth were global warming skeptics until they
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spent two years conducting their own study. >> the thick black line is carbon dioxide plus volcanos and everything else is the actual temperature record. the amazing thing is how well the two fit right on top of each other. >> reporter: in a "new york times"ñi editorial, the mullers described themselves as converted global warming skeptics. but they sure don't sound very converted. >> the number of hurricanes has not been going up. the number of tornadoes has not been going up. >> reporter: what about the droughts and the fires in the west? >> well, that's because we're building closer on the fire areas. the number of fires in the united states has actually been decreasing with time. >> reporter: what about polar bears? they're dying because of global warming, no? >> no, there's no good scientific evidence for that. there's a problem that some people, whenever they see something they don't like, they attribute it to global warming, whether it's the death of the frogs or thew3 demise of the corrals in the pacific ocean. that's kind of cherry picking. they're simply saying if it's
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bad it must be global warming. >> reporter: and that brings us to the elephant in the room. hurricane sandy. the largest atlaá> there's two things to think about. one is, will there be more storms? and the second is, will more of those storms be intense? >> reporter: john mutter teaches environmental science at colombia university. >> what's happening is that if the world is warmer overall, the area that's occupied by the tropics will get larger. so if the tropics expand, they'll bring with them their tropical weather which includes hurricanes. so imagine that now we had ten hurricanes per year and two of them are really monsters.
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in the future, the expectation is there will still be ten but four of them will be monsters. >> reporter: there may be plenty of legitimate scientific disagreements and plenty of nasty bickering online about how much climate change we're seeing now. but the really frightening part is what's coming. >> i can actually show you temperature over centuries. >> reporter: beth russell runs a n.o.a.a. exhibit called science on a sphere which can present massive amounts of temperature visually. >> here we are in the 1880s, '90s. now in the 1900s. we've seen some changes in temperature through time but really startmy to notice a trend past the year 2000 especially, continuing to step through time, the global is starting to turn more yellows and reds. >> reporter: it's baking in here. >> it's pretty dramatic what we show in this model. it gets us up to 717 parts per million of carbon dioxide which is almost double what we have today. >> there's one thing that models seem to agree upon.
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there will be more extreme weather. that means crop failures, for example. extreme storms also will drive people from their homes. international conflicts could easily result from it. the problem now is us. so now we don't unite and try to do something about it. we all bicker until it happens. >> reporter: even the mullers are woreyed about the future. >> we don't care about what we have already seen in terms of the warming which has been quite small. what we care about is the warming we're going to have over the next 50 years. >> reporter: why? what will happen? >> lots of people who say, oh, we'll have more hurricanes, we're going to have more droughts and more problems. but the fact is we don't know. >> reporter: here's something else nobody can agree on. what to do about global warming. >> i believe by approaching this with these interim solutions of energy efficiency and clean natural gas that that can get us to the era 30, 40, 50 years from now when solar and wind and
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nuclear can all be competitive and take over at that point. >> reporter: china will have to be a big part of the solution. >> china surpassed the united states in 2006, by the end of this year we'll be producing twice the greenhouse gases of the united states. >> reporter: even there, the i.p.c.c.'s raj sees glimmers of hope. >> i spend a lot of time in china. i see a distinct acceptance of the fact that they need to move to a low-carbon future. >> reporter: so the debate continues about how much the earth is warming and exactly what the effects will be. but on the three key questions, all my ex-pers are unanimous. is climate change real? >> yes. absolutely. climate change is real. we've just seen the beginning of it. >> reporter: is human activity contributing to it? >> yes. over 90% evidence that human
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beings are responsible. >> there is no doubt in my mind that humanity is the main cause. >> reporter: and is there anything we can do about it? >> yes. certainly. yes. we can do a lot. if we decide to get serious, we can avoid most of it. >> osgood: next, a general story. that was me... the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir® flexpen. flexpen® is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days.
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♪ >> osgood: and now a page from our sunday morning almanac. november 11, 1885, 127 years ago today. the day of future consequence for the u.s. army. for that was the day george s. patton was born in san gabriel california. patton attended west point and served as an officer in the army's brand new tank corps during world war i. by sheer chance the armistice that ended the war in 1918 was declared on his 33rd birthday, november 11, the date we now mark as veterans day.
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by world war ii george patton was a general credited with decisive u.s. victories in north africa, france, and germany. along the way he attracted public attention with his very personal and sometimes controversial style of leadership. portrayed by george c. scott in the 1974 film "patton." from the rousing way he addressed his troops... >> all real americans love the sting of battle. >> osgood: ... to the widely reported incident in 1943 when he slapped a soldier hospitalized with combat fatigue. >> you're just a god-damned coward. i don't want a young bastard sitting here crying in front of these men wounded in battle. >> reporter: patton lived down the notoriety of that outburst to become a national hero by war's end. during a brief return visit to america in june of 1945 shortly
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after v.e. day he offered a stark description of battle. >> it is marked by more than 40,000 white crosses. >> osgood: the survivor of two world wars, general george s. patton did not survive' peace. he died in germany of injuries from a traffic accident just before christmas of 1945. however, nearly 16 million other americans who served in world war ii did come home. nearly 70 years later, nearly two million of them are still alive. that's roughly a 10th of the more than 22 million americans we honor this veterans day.
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>> osgood: next, how he got the picture.
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>> osgood: the split second image of super storm sandy in
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last week's "time" magazine was taken by photographer steven wilkes. he usually operates in a more leisurely pace. hare that teichner shows us how he does it as time goes by. >> reporter: pretend you're a bird. peering down from morning until night over new york's coney island on a perfect july day. this is is what you'd see speeded up. now try to imagine capturing that whole time in one photograph. >> so if you follow this line right through here, this is where the transition happens from day into night. one of these i loved was that these two gentlemen were on opposite sides of that line. >> reporter: we thought we would tell you about photographer steven wilkes who in a manner of speaking changes time. day and night in the same photograph? can't be. of course, steven wilkes made it
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happen. >> i wanted the right side of this photograph to be day. i knew that was going to be the most exciting time to photograph the beach. and i knew that the night was going to be the amusement park because that's the magic time. that middle area, the board walk was going to be the really perfect area to see that transition. >> reporter: coney island is only one of the new york scenes he subjected to time travel. he calls the series "day to night." this is the flat iron building on september 11, 2010. the towers of light, like ghosts of the twin towers, against the night sky. >> it's almost a celebration of what new york is to me. a love poem or sonnet to the city that i love so much. >> reporter: this is central park the day and night after an ice storm. here's how he does it. >> you never really know what you're going to see until you
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get up above it. that's when it gets so exciting. >> reporter: to get that bird's eye view, wilkes rents a bucket truck named after a bird, the condor. >> i tell my wife, you know what? instead of that sports car when i'm, you know, 60, maybe a condor would be nice. my own private one snr you want your very own bucket truck. >> yeah, my own bucket truck. reporter: it's dawn on a cold morning again in central park. last fall. >> you can see this is starting already beginning to happen up here with the light and everything that's coming on. >> reporter: that's beautiful. isn't that... yeah, yeah beings right here. >> reporter: wow. the weather forecast. sun and, as important, no wind. >> my eyes are always scanning the scene. i mean i'm really never... we're talking now and i'm already like getting jumpy. i got to get working. >> reporter: with his cameras mounted to the platform and the computer, he's stuck up there with his assistant for the
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duration. no bathroom breaks. for the next 15 hours, wilkes takes pictures from the same spot. what will turn out to be 1400 individual images of the world passing before his lens. all little chapters in the story of the day taking shape as time goes by. for a while, with musical accompaniment and then a transition to darkness, a movie end to the story. >> this photograph was the inspiration really for the whole concept, i think. >> reporter: in 1996, life magazine sent steven wilkes to take one long panoramaic photograph of the cast and crew from the film of romeo and juliette. >> from my lips by thine my sin is purged. >> reporter: but because of the
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shape of the set he couldn't. so he decided to take lots of photographs and colonellage them together. >> i got to the center and i had leonardo key cap pre-owe and claire danes embracing. >> reporter: but in the mirror over here they're kissing. >> when i put this together, i had realized suddenly that i had in essence changed time with a single photograph. it stayed with me. >> reporter: until years later technology made day to night possible. >> you know, you can just see the way the light moves. it's pretty exciting. i love when the lights come up, you know. >> reporter: remember central park in the fall? back at his studio in connecticut, the first thing steven wilkes has to do is decide literally where to draw the line. where day ends and night will begin. in the final print. >> you can actually see it as time changes. >> reporter: the next step is to
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look at everyone of the images he shot, collect his favorites and then digitally fit them together like puzzle pieces. you could go blind looking at 1400 of those. >> you're looking for some small, tiny nuanced detail. >> reporter: like the brides. the brides started to evolve. i mean basically i saw one in the morning. midday. i mean they literally were showing up all day long. >> reporter: here they all are in the finished photograph. >> it was really kind of a moment like a where's waldo. as i ket shooting i kept noticing another bride here. >> reporter: what took that one october day to shoot took four months to turn into this. >> the changing of the time in a single photograph. all the little visual stories. that's what has been so much fun about it. it is as complex a project as i think i could frankly ever imagined. it's a challenge, and i love
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challenges. >> reporter: so steven wilkes is still at it. if new york city icons aren't challenge enough, he's thinking shanghai, jerusalem, the world. >> osgood: ahead, the art of joggling. >> it's absolutely real. osgood: but first in search of sass catch.
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>> there are no abominable snowman. there are no sasquatches. there are no big feet. >> it's sunday morning on cbs, and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: whether they knew it or not, the producers of the 1987 film "harry and the hendersons" were dabbling in crypto-zoology, a word that doesn't come up in conversation all that often sort of like the legendary creatures that crypt crypto-zoologists spend their lifetime tracking down. serena altschul has their story. >> reporter: in jefferson texas recently, a group of like-minded or should we say like-obsessed people... >> you claim this creature was clawing at his car. >> reporter: ... gathered to
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swap stories of strange sightings, mysterious animals, and elusive creatures lurking in the deep woods. you saw a big, furry creature. >> it was huge. the baby of boggy creek. reporter: there's a name for it. no, a scientific name. crypto zoology. loren coleman explains. >> crypto means hidden. zoa means animal. ology means the study off. the study of hidden or unknown animals. >> reporter: which sounds very academic until you realize that those hidden animals include the yetti better known as the abominable snowman. the loch ness monster.
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and the favorite obsession of this crypto-zoology conference, big foot also known as sasquatch. >> it's fun. whether or not it's science, you know, it's hard to say. >> reporter: for scientist david nixon, his fascination with crypto zoology is a guilty pleasure. >> this is not exactly the kind of thing i talk about at work. >> reporter: this part of east texas, it turns out, is a hot spot of big foot activity. the legend of boggy creek which claimed to be based on real big foot sightings was filmed just an hour north of here. (screaming). it terrified teenagers across the country in 1972. >> it was the first movie i had seen in a theater where i felt like if i walked out of the theater at night, i could encounter the screen monster i had seen. >> reporter: for david coleman, that first encounter with big
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foot inspired a lifetime of tracking him down. >> can you understand me? reporter: on the big and little screens. >> never hurts to ask. he's america's monster. so he's a shared cultural icon even if he's real or not. >> reporter: these days america's monster has inspired an avalanche of cable t6ñ shows and testimonials on the internet. >> you'll see it kind of walking. it almost looks at the camera. >> reporter: a whole army of big foot hunters. >> this is the... reporter: like bill brock has taken to the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beast or at least one of his giant footprints. >> we cast this last night. last night is when we cast it. i found it the night before last. >> it was in a swampy area.
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extremely swampy. reporter: future crypto-zoologist was intralled. >> i am a big fan of crypto-zoology by i never found something like this. >> i want to see a big foot so badly that i made a movie about it. >> reporter: the director's first movie, the blair witch project... >> come on! reporter: ... became an instant horror classic. now he's making a movie about big foot. for sanchez and producer mark ordusky big foot has been a life-long obsession. >> there's just something about it being just out of reach but not being able to actually see it. it's like this quest. >> a quest that goes ever on ward. >> reporter: they believe big foot deserves more respect. >> hey, you want to ride? big foot has been kind of a joke lately. you know, he's in the commercials and even though i
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love that humor, i always feel like, man, i wish somebody would make a film that made big foot scary again. >> these are actual casts of big foot. >> reporter: loren coleman thinks the whole field of crypto-zoology deserves more respect. >> a lot of people would like to put it in some kind of category of pseudo science. we really reject that. this is what we call our little big foot. >> reporter: he founded the world's only crypto-zoology museum in portland maine. its logo is a strange looking fish called a celocant. it was thought to be extinct for 65 million year until one was found in 1938. >> it's a living fossil. the word living fossil is first associated with this fish. >> reporter: do you believe in big foot? >> i'm very careful about the use of the word "belief." "belief" and "believe" is really
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the providence of religion. as a scientist, as an investigative journalist i'm very much interested in looking at the evidence and accepting or denying that. this is the gold standard of crypto-zoology. >> reporter: this film shot in bluff's creek california in 1967 has been analyzed by crypto-zoologists using the latest technology. >> if you look right here, that is actually her calf muscle tightening up. if that was a costume, it would look like my pant leg. a frame-by-frame analysis of this film has actual muscle movement underneath the hair. >> reporter: it's true that western science has been wrong before. coleman points to the giant squid, once dismissed as a myth logical creature, until they started washing up on shore in the 1800s. the giant panda was believed to
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be some weird mutation until ruth harkness went to china and brought one back alive in 1936. >> the fur-bearing trout. this is definitely fake. >> reporter: those there are plenty of hoaxes out there... >> of course, the jack-lope and above it is a bavarian... >> reporter: a bunny with wings. he says there are still many mysteries yet to be explained. the green represents big foot, sass quash. >> right. eporter: how is it that we haven't seennessy or found big foot or... >> maybe you haven't but lots of people have. >> reporter: author lyle blackburn says it doesn't really matter to him if big foot exists or not. >> you don't have to believe in big foot. it's not a matter of faith. it's a matter of believing that there is some mystery left in the world. you know, even in your own
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backyard. >> osgood: next, the zac brown band dishing out good music and more.
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♪ >> osgood: foot-tapping music is just one half of the dinner and a show package that the zac brown band provides its loyal fans. with rit a braver now, we'll taste some. ♪ a little bit of chicken fries ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ a pair of jeannes that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio on >> reporter: the zac brown band may sing about chicken fried food, but the group's talent is far more diverse than that.
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they host huge food and music festivals as well as smaller eat-and-greet concerts where fans can pay extra for a gourmet meal dished up by band members. >> any time people break bread together all the walls come down. there's nobody better than anybody else. you're just all there. you know, you have food stuck in your teeth and bad garlic breath. you're just sitting there being one of the people. that's really important to us. ♪ i want to see you again but i'm stuck in cold weather ♪ >> reporter: it's not that they have to feed the fans. since first hitting the charts in 2008... ♪ we're free as we'll ever be >> reporter: ... the zac brown band has become one of the hottest acts in country music. with a string of number one songs, a shelf full of awards including two grammies and a devoted following known as the
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zamily. what's it like when there's a huge audience of people and they're singing the words to your songs? >> it feels great. put a lot of thought into the words and a lot of life into them. >> reporter: zac brown grew up in georgia in a family that revered food. he and his dad have owned several eateries including one where zac performed. did you help cook too? >> i did. absolutely. we'd have a line cook that would call in sick. i'd be in there cooking until 9:00 and sweating and come out and throw my apron off and get on the stage and play. ♪ keep me in mind >> reporter: it seems natural for brown that as his band became more successful, he would fulfill a dream and hire a skilled southern chef. >> we've prepared the food for you. >> reporter: louisiana-born rusty hamlin. >> spinach and hair loom tomato carbonara. >> reporter: he helped brown design cookies, the brown's unique 54-foot kitchen trailer.
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>> we have a three compartment sink, a fryer, a tilt skillet. four ovens two of these are con vehicle shuns and a six burner and a flat top. >> reporter: before hamlin and his team prepared some nightly staples like beef and pork tenderloin made with zac brown's own recipes, they scour local markets to cook whatever is in season for side dishes. >> just allows me to come out and do something nobody has ever done in music history before and do all this really cool stuff and be able to take care of our fans. >> reporter: the focus on fans is easy to understand because zac brown knows how hard it is to make it in the music business. though only 34 he is anything but an overnight success. writing and performing since he was a teenager and spending thousands of nights on the road. did you ever have a time when you thought, "i just might keep knocking around in the business forever and never breakthrough?"
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>> never did. reporter: you didn't? spent a lot of time bouncing around and staying with lots of families that took me in. i really love all of it. but i never was discouraged from my goal. >> reporter: and he never compromised on his music or his distinctive look. you've always got the cap on, the beard and all that. is there a reason? >> it's definitely not because somebody told me to. i hear about it sometimes. why don't you just shave that beard off? that's okay. i mean people feel like they're project their, you know, their b.s. on me for some reason. >> reporter: you're not changing anything. >> yeah. i'm not afraid to be who i am. >> reporter: it seems to be working just fine. the band's latest album "uncaged" hit number one on the billboard charts for all music, not just country, this past
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summer. >> guess which button to push. reporter: and brown is launching his own music label in the storied nashville studio. so there's a lot of history in this. >> oh, man. these walls have heard a tremendous amount of music. >> reporter: who has recorded here? >> neil young, roger miller, chris chris toferson, willie nelson, allman brothers. there's been some magic records recorded here. the list goes on and on and on. ♪ don't be falling in love >> reporter: zac brown has made plenty of magic himself, charting a number one hit with country legend alan jackson. ♪ another day ♪ don't be falling, falling in love ♪ >> reporter: somehow brown was able to find time to get married and raise a family. he and his wife shelly have four daughters. he says he fell for her in a bar
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one new year's eve after a gig. did you know immediately this was the one? >> i didn't know until i kissed her. then we ended up new year's eve playing a show. my date had stood me up. i remember walking back to my friends were like two minutes before midnight and thinking i'm not going to have anybody to kiss on new year's. there she was standing right there. i remember kissing her. that was the end of it. ♪ on a day >> reporter: these are good times for zac brown and his band. he says he's living just the life he wants to live especially since he gets to offer his fans both food and music. >> i walk out on the stage and i see all these people. i realize that they're out there to feel good from our music and to celebrate, you know, it's a big deal. ♪ while i live out my days ♪ until the very end ♪ you can find me at home with
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my friends ♪ >> osgood: watch out. joggler coming true. next.
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>> osgood: for anyone like me who is all thumbs, juggling even while standing still, which tony duncan here is doing right now, seems an amazing feet. could there possibly be anyway to make this even more demanding? that's the sort of question that takes our bill geist to answer. >> reporter: it's juggle. they want to play. (no audio) the joggling juggler
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which would make him a joggler. (no audio)
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) please stand by) making jack seem almost normal.
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>> osgood: ahead. madam president, if you please. >> osgood: how sally field became mary todd lincoln. and later, 24 notes, one man's commitment. simple pleasures can simply hurt. the sadness, anxiety, the loss of interest. the aches and pains and fatigue. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta.
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tomato soup from campbell's. >> a 90-pound nun from chicago with a unique ability to fly. >> it's sunday morning on cbs, and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: sally field has flown a long way indeed from the days of the flying nun. she's a very respected academy award winning actress now starring in the talk-ed about movie of the moment, lincoln. mo rocca has our sunday profile. >> no one has ever been loved so much by the people. don't waste that power.
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>> madam president, if you please. >> reporter: in steven spielberg's lincoln. >> don't convene another sub committee to investigate me, sir. >> i believe i am smiling, mrs. lincoln. >> reporter: the role of the imperious and difficult mercurialó[ first lady mary todd lincoln. >> you become ignorant of what you're up to because you haven't discussed this with me as you ought to have done. >> reporter: it's played by sally field. >> i for bid when you insist on amending the constitution and abolishing slavery. since you are sending my son into the war, woe to you if you fail to pass the amendment. >> reporter: it's a rare historical role for field. >> i had to put on a lot of weight. i put on over 20 pounds. i hope it shows in the movie. >> reporter: in realhlafe there's nothing regal or sand offish about her. >> i want to be wanted by everyone. >> mr. mason, i started this. i'm going to finish it.
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>> reporter: she's built her career on playing ordinary women in extraordinary circumstances. struggling to give fellow factory workers basic rights. >> i'm not going to let that happen. i don't care if it fills me. i'm not going to give up. >> reporter: saving her family farm. >> we both feel that you should not workok after she gets marri. >> reporter: taking charge on her daughter's wedding day. >> you should be kinder to your circulatory system. >> reporter: and then mourning that same daughter at her funeral. >> i'm so mad i don't know what to do. i want to know why. >> reporter: you can't not root for sally field. but if you thought three emmys and two oscarsçó... >> you like me. reporter: ... remember that famous speech? >> you like me. ( applause ) >> reporter: it meant the part of mary todd lincoln was hers for the asking >> i realized i had to fight for it. while the story of how she got
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the role opposite daniel day lewis is itself a classic sally field tale of struggle. >> i am ten years older than daniel. mary was ten years younger than lincoln. i knew that age would be somewhere in it was going to be an issue >> reporter: and it was was. after day lewis was cast as lincoln spielberg called with bad news. the part of mary todd lincoln wasn't hers >> i said i can't let you walk away. mary belongs to me. i am mary. i won't let you walk away. somewhere i brought mary up inside of me to be feisty enough to say, test me. you owe me a test. >> reporter: her plot paid off. daniel day lewis flew from ireland to screen test with her. when field met day-lewis for the first time, they were both in full costume >> i was in this high back chair with a shaft of light coming in on me. i thought, fine. i'm just going to sit right here. i heard a hubbub across the hallways a ways away. finally i slowly turned to look.
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there heçó came. my beloved mr. lincoln >> reporter: was it like abraham lincoln coming towards you? >> yes it was. i rose and gave him my hand. he kissed it. i said mr. lincoln. he said mother. that's the way they addressed each other in real life except he either called her mother or molly. and... >> reporter: i want to see the movie about you getting this role. >> i know. i know. i've had some times of my life, but that was one of them. for sure. it was magical >> reporter: mary and her abraham connected instantly in a very modern way. >> he started texting me. he would text me all the time totally in character which was hard to do because you had to figure out how... because the language was so different. then how we speak. and i would text him back totally as molly constantly. sometimes he would just send me bizarre limb ricks. i as mary would write back usually criticizing him, you know.
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>> reporter: that's hilarious. mary todd lincoln and abraham lincoln were texting back and forth >> yeah, we were texting back and forth >> reporter: you didn't tweet as mary todd lincoln >> i don't tweet as anyone. i'm a tweetless person. this is mary's bedroom. >> reporter: we met with sally field at mary todd lincoln's childhood home in lexington kentucky >> it was a wonderful city to shoot in >> reporter: where we continued talking about her own history. during her almost five-decade career in the business, fieldv: says she hasn't just struggled for roles. she struggled with some costars literally. did you really bite tommy lee jones? >> oh,ed god, yes reporter: years ago yes. ou sure have traveled a long way not to go anywhere >> i'm still on the move reporter: in 1981 field and jones costarred >> you can get go of me reporter: field said he was something of a wild man back then. at a rehearsal the 5'2 field was having none of it >> tommy is a big strong man. he had a hold of my wrist toñr show me how i couldn't get here. i was twisting it. so i went... he let me go.
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i got free. >> you see me as gij it. reporter: of course, the southern california native was already known to audiences >> you are kind of cute. reporter: that surfer girl gij it. >> good grief. reporter: flying nun sister. and as cybill, the woman with dissoash i can't tiff identity disorder >> is anybody there? reporter: what back then was called multiple personalities >> i'm here but i don't want to be. >> reporter: it's politically incorrect to say it, but you've had more lives than cybill. >> i have. reporter: the truth is the woman who now hawks medication for osteoporosis looks a lot younger than 66. you look like you're 40, tops. i mean if i didn't know about the old osteo pour owe sis thing >> my boandz are strong. thank you very much.
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a lot of skin hanging down here. if i just go like this and talk like this. >> reporter: she has been married twice. ♪ they call you the bandit >> reporter: and had a high-profile romance with burt reynolds. >> why don't you drop me off here. i'll get the cab >> reporter: was your relationship with burt reynolds as fun as the smoky and the bandit movies? >> we did it! reporter: were you just tearing down country roads inçó trans-ams?ñi >> no. (laughing) no. >> reporter: she is single now. i am the traditional woman in a lot of ways desperately looking for the traditional man. and then hating his guts when i finde1 him. because he asks me to be the traditional woman. so go and figure that one out. >> reporter: do you not ask guys for a lot in return? do you not say, hey, you've got to do this for me? >> i do now.
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i learned. i learned how. yeah. notice i'm alone. >> sally, right over this way, please >> reporter: she may be single but one thing is sure. whatever sally field sets her sights on, she goes for it. yes, that's why people like herv really like her. >> osgood: coming up. ♪ honoring america's fallen heroes. [ alarm clock ringing ] [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis, can you start the day the way you want? can orencia help? could your "i want" become "i can"? talk to your doctor. orencia reduces many ra symptoms
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chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ >> osgood: veterans day is the day we have set aside for honoring all who have worn our nation's military uniforms. as it happens a single day of tribute is not enough for the men our steve hartman has found. >> reporter: right when the sun calls it a day and starts setting on the puget sound, residents of this neighborhood in tacoma washington say they
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start hearing music. same time, same 24 notes. a lot of people say it's the most poignant melody they've ever heard. >> when you hear the first note, everything in our house comes to a complete halt. people stop and go out. i kind of let it wash over me >> reporter: although the notes have been played before from military funerals to boy scout camp fires, rarely do you hear taps here. coming from a back porch in a suburban neighborhood. >> i'm in another zone when i'm playing. i'm not aware of anything but the fact that i'm playing this and trying to play it as best as i can, did a good job. >> reporter: don briton has been playing trumpet since he was a kid and was even in a band for a while but he's never taken it as seriously as he does now. every morning the 78-year-old retired aerospace worker checks the paper to see when sunset is.
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every afternoon he practices for his nightly performance. he's been doing this for the past two years, partly to show his appreciation for our military. >> to support our guys that are over there fighting >> reporter: did you serve in the war? >> no. i had polio when i was a kid so i couldn't serve >> reporter: for him that was one of the worst things about polio >> i would have served in a heartbeat, you bet >> reporter: yet his ritual is only partly for the soldiers. it's also for his neighbors, who now take it just as seriously as he does. ♪ as soon as they hear don start, they come out and stand at attention. >> seems to move people. it has an effect on them >> it's just very emotional for me. >> it's beautiful. we appreciate it. reporter: in our everyday hectis there's almost nothing that gets people to stop like this, to honor or just reflect. but here in tacoma they spend 24
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notes nightly doing exactly that. cethe new dell xps 12. part of a whole new line of tablets from dell. it's changing the conversation. ♪ with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know... demonstrating how we blend the fruits.
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because only america's softest tissue turns a gesture into a complete gift of care. >> osgood: here's a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calendar. on monday christy's launches its new partnership with the andy warhol foundation for the visual arts with an auction of his works. tuesday sees the announcement of
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oxford dictionary's word of the year. last year's winner was the phrase "squeezed middle" as in financially squeezed middle class. on wednesday night, it's the national book awards hosted by our faith salie. thursday is a day in france when a mill cases of wine begin their journey to paris and t(& it's also the day for the world's biggest liar competition in britain. honest. friday sees the planting of 100n american dog wood trees in tokyo in commemoration of japan's gift of cherry trees to the united states back in 1912. and then on saturday, president obama begins a trip to asia with stops in thailand, myanmar and cambodia. before we close the book on the week justmy passed, some thoughs on campaign 2012. republican have been doing a lot of soul searching since tuesday's election. that includes our contributor ben stein.
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wow, it sure hurts to lose. we in the g.o.p. came so close in so many vital states and in the popular vote. and in hindsight we can see we made big mistakes. weak behavior in the third debate. whacky senate apped candidates naming a man of great wealth and a finance background after a wall street debacle. let's not cry and swear to leave the country as some of my republican friends did the other night. our position as a party is not at all terrible. we still control the house. we have enough votes in the senate to block anything we hate. the democrats know they won by a modest margin. they have no overwhelming mandate and they know it. >> i'll tell you, i'm not one of these baby-kissing, hand-shaking candidates >> i've seen our party in far worst shape after the goldwater disaster of '64 >> i shall resign the presidency after watergate and a thorough beating we got in the '74 elections when we barely held a third of the house. we've been pronounced dead and
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buried over andçó over again and we always come back like the energizer bunny. only we don't want to be just a bunny. we want to party, the party of life and energy. and we can be. we still have great ideas. limited government. a appreciation of living by work not handouts. the protection of innocent life. fairness for the working family. recognition of the individual liberty. but we have to make some changes in our hearts, big changes. this is not the white man's country exclusively anymore and it hasn't been for afá long tim. the strategy of appealing to angry white men is not correct, either morally or practically. this is a genuine multicultural multiracial democracy today. we must appeal to working women, to single women, to blacks. and inzv tick we can't and must stop hurting the feelings of hispanics and start inviting them into our party. we must plead with them to see we have common causes on many
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issues especially small business, the value of hard work, the santity of family and life. we can do it and we will do it. next time around, let's find a man or a woman with the eloquence and charisma of a barack obama on our side and a party platform that invites everyone of every sex and race who shares the best of our values into our tent. and at their best, they are still america's best values. >> osgood: commentary from ben stein. now to bob scheiffer in washington for a look at what's coming up on face the nation. >> schieffer: thank you, charles. the petraeus thunder bolt and going over the fiscal cliff. we'll talk about it with senator lindsey graham and with david axle rod. >> osgood: bob scheiffer, thank you. next week here on sunday morni morning, eat, drink and be merry. the food issue.
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woman: oh! tully's. how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa. and you'll always find your favorite. woman #2: with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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>> osgood: we leave you this sunday morning in glacier national park in montana. in the company of bears.
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>> osgood: i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then, i'll see you on the radio.
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